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Medicine of the future. WHO: «Vaccine refusal is the main threat of 2019».

👁 3095

Опубликовано: 30 июля 2019
Обновлено: 17 октября 2021

Sergey Kolenov

Experts blame anti-vaccination movement in & nbsp; an increase in the incidence of measles and & nbsp; diphtheria. And & nbsp; is scarier than HIV, air pollution and & nbsp; even climate change.

At the & nbsp; beginning of each year The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes a list of top risks to global health. Inventors are quick to respond to & nbsp; global changes, so in & nbsp; recent years in & nbsp; it threats such as climate warming and & nbsp; air pollution fall.

The list for & nbsp; 2019 was replenished with another actual item, & nbsp; reporting CNet.

One of the main & nbsp; problems in the health sector was named a growing movement anti-vaccine.

According to WHO, organizations promoting avoiding vaccinations can reverse medical progress and & nbsp; provoke outbreaks of many preventable diseases & nbsp; — e.g. measles and & nbsp; diphtheria . & nbsp;

In & nbsp; 2018 the number of cases of these diseases throughout the world has grown sharply, in the & nbsp; first queue due to problems with & nbsp; vaccination. For example, in & nbsp; 2016 the country Of the New World were declared free of measles, however, for two the following years, she reappeared, and in some states of the United States caused worst outbreak in & nbsp; decades. & nbsp;

More and more diphtheria is also becoming common. A year ago, this disease has already entered in the & nbsp; list of the main threats, according to the & nbsp; version of the WHO, due to a sharp increase in the number cases. For example, in & nbsp; Venezuela in & nbsp; 2016, 31 cases were noted, and & nbsp; in & nbsp; 2017 & nbsp; — 786. In & nbsp; India for & nbsp; the same period of time the number of cases increased from & nbsp; 3380 to & nbsp; 5293.

Both of these diseases can be easy to prevent with timely vaccinations. According to WHO, vaccination today prevents 2-3 & nbsp; million deaths per & nbsp; year.

Should the global vaccination system be improved, it will be possible to save another 1.5 & nbsp; million people. but the anti-vaccine movement puts this goal at risk.

Poliomyelitis can become the next disease to be defeated with the & nbsp; help of vaccinations. Already today, isolated cases are recorded in the & nbsp; world, and & nbsp; in & nbsp; mainly in & nbsp; countries with & nbsp; underdeveloped medicine.

A source: https://hightech.plus/2019/01/18/voz-otkaz-ot-privivok—glavnaya-ugroza-2019-goda