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What parents need to know about vaccinating their child

👁 26088

Опубликовано: 28 июня 2019
Обновлено: 17 октября 2021

To decide on the need for vaccination, to determine what kind of vaccine a child needs, the process of preparing for vaccination and observation after vaccination, you need to consult a doctor.

It is necessary from birth to register with the family medicine center, where a special medical record of your baby will be kept. This card contains detailed information about the development of the child, whether he has any health problems, as well as information about the vaccinations carried out. These records can be useful later to show that your child has the necessary vaccinations before entering kindergarten or school, or in case of a move or change of doctor.

1. Indications and contraindications for vaccination

Before immunization, the doctor (paramedic) conducts a thorough survey in order to identify previous diseases, including chronic ones, the presence of reactions or complications to the previous administration of the drug, allergic reactions to drugs, products; reveals the individual characteristics of the body (prematurity, birth trauma, convulsions), and specifies whether there are contacts with infectious patients, as well as the timing of previous vaccinations. Remember that in case of acute illnesses accompanied by fever (colds, sore throats, bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, etc.), the vaccination, as a rule, will need to be postponed until recovery.

2. Severe allergic reaction

If y the child has allergic disorders, then with the attending physician it is necessary in advance discuss the need for additional measures.

Remember that you should not introduce new types of food a few days before and in the first days after vaccination. If your baby is breastfed, do not include new foods in your diet.

3. Analyzes and additional approvals from doctors

The attending physician may determine that tests or recommendations from other specialists may be required prior to vaccination. For example, if the pediatrician is unclear about the nature of the changes in the nervous system, he can refer the child to a neurologist, after which he will decide on the vaccination and the choice of vaccines.

4. Tips and tricks on the day of vaccination

5. Day after vaccination

Used vaccines in Kyrgyzstan are safe, effective and in line with international standards. But a vaccine, like any drug, can cause adverse reactions called side effects after immunization (AEFI).

Side effects after immunization — any adverse change in health that occurs after immunization and is not necessarily related to the vaccination given.

There are 5 types of AEFIs, depending on the cause:

  1. vaccine reactions associated with the properties of the vaccine
  2. vaccine reactions associated with a defect in the quality of the vaccine
  3. vaccine reactions associated with an error in immunization (mishandling, use and the introduction of the vaccine)
  4. vaccine reactions associated with anxiety during immunization (anxiety and fear injection)
  5. accidentally events coinciding with immunization

Post-vaccination reactions are type 1 AEFI, are the body’s response to the introduction foreign antigen and reflect the process of developing immunity. Exactly these reactions provide protection for children from severe infectious diseases and associated complications. Predict the severity of post-vaccination reactions are impossible, since it depends on individual characteristics the child’s body.

B turn post-vaccination reactions according to the frequency of occurrence and degree gravity is divided into 2 types:

  1. Often minor vaccine reactions occurring
  2. Rarely occurring, serious reactions to vaccines

Frequent, minor reactions to vaccines is an individual reaction of the body to certain properties vaccines that are expected and specified in the instructions accompanying the vaccine. These normal reactions that pass quickly and do not harm the child’s health. They are manifested in the form of mental and general reactions.

Local reactions are redness, soreness, swelling and induration at the injection site. They develop on the day the vaccine is administered and do not more than 2-3 days and do not require medical intervention.

Remember that only a doctor can recommend medications to relieve pain sensations from a local reaction. Usage local warming procedures (medication, physiotherapy) are contraindicated.

If local reactions, regardless of size, persist for more than 3 days, it is necessary & nbsp; consult a doctor immediately.

General reactions This is a change in the general conditions and behavior of the child: anxiety, malaise, sleep disturbance and appetite, fever up to 38 0 C.

Consult with your doctor after the vaccination, as each vaccine can cause different reactions, also the body of each baby is individual.

Rare or serious vaccine reactions are excessive reactions of the body to a specific component in a vaccine that is not expected, desired, or predictable. Serious reactions are very rare and usually result in death or long-term disability.

Rare local side effects on administration BCG vaccines are:

Strong local reaction to the introduction of any vaccine (hyperemia more than 8 cm, edema more than 5 cm in diameter) is a contraindication to the subsequent use of this drug.

Children with allergic diseases or as a result of hypersensitivity to vaccine components may experience allergic reactions & nbsp; to the vaccine: urticaria, Quincke’s edema, anaphylactic shock. They can occur both during the first administration of the vaccine and during re-vaccination.

Sources of information:
1. Life-saving vaccines


Aitmurzaeva G.T.
Zhumagulova G.Zh.
Shergalieva A.K.
Plotnikova O.D.