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Facts and arguments for immunization

👁 3105

Опубликовано: 28 июня 2019
Обновлено: 17 октября 2021

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers immunization to be the most effective way to prevent serious vaccine preventable diseases.

Immunization is the most necessary activity for the elimination of preventable deaths among newborns and children. & nbsp; She prevents about 2-3 million deaths each year and saves about ten thousands of lives every day, protecting millions of people from disease and disability.

In 2003, the measles epidemic in the countries of the European Region claimed more than 4.5 thousand young lives. But measles vaccination between 2000 and 2013 reduced global measles deaths by 75% and averted 15.6 million deaths. The measles vaccine is one of the best public health achievements.

Smallpox, which killed 5 million people worldwide every year, was completely eradicated by vaccination in 1978, and today almost everyone has forgotten about the disease

More than 16 million people have been saved from paralysis as a result of global efforts to eradicate polio and develop an effective vaccine against it. Since 1988, the number of cases of polio in the world has decreased by more than 99%: from 350 & nbsp; 000 cases to 22 cases reported in 2017.

B to achieve national, regional and global goals for immunization, the Kyrgyz Republic, as a member country of the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization in 2001 adopted Law on Immunization of Infectious Diseases.

In Kyrgyzstan, due to vaccination, they are not registered poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tuberculous meningitis and tetanus in newborns, viral hepatitis B among children under 1 year of age. The incidence of whooping cough is significantly reduced, mumps, measles and rubella.

Thanks immunization program, most people in Kyrgyzstan have never experienced the consequences of outbreaks of dangerous infections. As a result, many people there is a misconception that vaccination is more dangerous than itself disease. But considering that microbes and viruses continue to circulate in the environment, there is a threat epidemics with a decrease in the level of immunization coverage of the population.

Anxious the trend is the import of infectious diseases from territories where there is an active circulation of viruses. Thus, global epidemiological instability in countries European Region and CIS countries contributed to the import, spread and outbreak measles in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2014-2015.

Disclaimer from vaccination leads to a decrease in population (herd) immunity. And this means that conditions are created for the circulation of measles, rubella, poliomyelitis viruses, diphtheria and other infections. With a decrease in herd immunity below 80% will lead to a high likelihood of epidemics in the country.

Despite on the progress made in the global eradication of poliomyelitis, this the infection has not yet been eradicated in two countries: Pakistan and Afghanistan. In 2010, 1292 cases were registered in the world paralytic poliomyelitis. Major outbreak of imported polio occurs 2010 in Tajikistan: 458 infections, of which 26 ended lethal. This outbreak led to the spread of the virus in Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan managed to avoid the spread of virus due to anti-epidemic measures and repeated massive polio immunization campaigns among children under 5 years of age.

If we stop vaccination, some cases of diseases that we have in the country in isolated cases will very quickly turn into tens or hundreds of thousands of cases. Children who do not receive all of the vaccinations can become seriously ill and infect their environment. Even a small number of unvaccinated children can cause an outbreak. Immunization of the population is one of the most successful and effective public health interventions. Every child has the right to benefit from life-saving vaccines.

Sources of information:
1. https://www.who.int/ru/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/immunization-coverage
2. Life-saving vaccines

Aitmurzaeva G.T.
Zhumagulova G.Zh.
Shergalieva A.K.
Plotnikova O.D.