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Myths about vaccinations in Kyrgyzstan

👁 7623

Опубликовано: 28 июня 2019
Обновлено: 17 октября 2021

Myth: Vaccines contain preservatives that are dangerous to health.

Actually: & nbsp; A vaccine is a preparation made from microorganisms or their products life activity. When it enters the human body, then through for a certain time, immunity to this particular disease develops. The most A common parental concern is the mercury content of vaccines.

To the composition some vaccines add thiomersal as a preservative — organic, mercury-containing compound. It is the safest and most widely used a preservative for vaccines that are supplied in multi-dose vials. No no evidence that something small & nbsp; the amount of thiomersal used in vaccines is is a health risk. & nbsp;

Thiomersal has been used since the 1930s in the production of certain vaccines and other medications. The amount of thiomersal contained in one dose of vaccine is negligible in order to & nbsp; & nbsp; harm the health of the child. It is not exceeds the amount of mercury derivatives that a person receives with air and food during the day. & nbsp; & nbsp;

Components modern vaccines, including preservatives, have been used for many years and have been studied security. Preservatives added to some vaccines to preserve their sterility is widely used in the world. In those doses in which preservatives added to vaccines do not pose a health risk. A range of vaccines for preservation does not require the addition of preservatives and is produced without them.

So Thus, the halo of myths surrounding vaccination can lead to dangerous misconceptions and refusal to vaccinate. Taking such myths to be true, people cause irreparable harm to the health of both children and adults.

Myth: Europe is testing new drugs by sending them to Kyrgyzstan as a humanitarian aid.

Actually: & nbsp; Vaccines used in Kyrgyzstan, are of the same quality as the vaccines used in Europe. Vaccine components are safe and do not contain any toxic or prohibited substances and are widely used all over the world, including countries of the Islamic Sharia (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.). & Nbsp;

At all levels of vaccine supply from manufacturer to treatment-and-prophylactic health care organizations and the vaccinated person the temperature regime of storage and transportation is carefully monitored using temperature recording devices according to standard operational procedures for effective vaccine management.

Purchase of vaccines in the country held within the framework of the Memorandum between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and UNICEF through UNICEF procurement mechanisms. UNICEF’s Procurement Division conducts international tenders, where only those pharmaceutical campaigns whose products comply with international GMP standards and have passed the WHO prequalification procedure.

State control over the quality, efficacy and safety of vaccines is carried out by the Department drug supply and medical equipment of the Ministry of Health KR. Imported vaccines are subject to mandatory state certification, verification compliance of vaccine series with specific safety requirements and expertise normative and technical documentation. After the certification and receipt procedure of the certificate of conformity, a permit is issued for the use of vaccines in healthcare organizations. Further quality and safety control vaccines in the places of their application are carried out by state Centers for prevention of diseases and state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of administrative territories.

Myth: Many diseases have almost disappeared and are no longer dangerous, so you don’t need to vaccinate.

Actually: & nbsp; Despite that vaccine preventable diseases are rare in many countries their pathogens continue to circulate in some regions of the world. V in today’s interdependent world, they can cross geographic boundaries and infect everyone who has no protection from them. & nbsp;

We are protected just because we are massively vaccinated. High vaccination coverage is essential for preventing infections. Experience has shown that outbreaks of diphtheria, measles and polio has returned due to people’s refusal to vaccinate.

Two main the reasons for getting vaccinated are to protect yourself and to protect those around you. Success of programs vaccination depends on the willingness of each person to help ensure general well-being. Don’t expect people around you to stop the spread diseases; each of us should also do our best.

Myth: Vaccinations cause life-threatening side effects. reactions.

Actually: & nbsp; Most children do not experience side effects. manifestations after immunization. The vaccine can cause a minor and temporary reaction, such as swelling, induration, or slight increase in temperature. Everything reactions & nbsp; pass independently & nbsp; within 2 — 3 days without treatment. Effects from diseases preventable by vaccination is much higher than side effects after immunization. Much greater chance of serious consequences if not vaccinated against the disease that the vaccine can prevent, rather than from the vaccine itself.

Vaccines, used in the Kyrgyz Republic comply with national requirements and recommendations of the World Health Organization, as well as international GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards and passed WHO prequalification procedures.

Myth: Vaccines Cause Autism

Actually: & nbsp; Many reliable scientific research has not established a link between autism and vaccination. Surprisingly, but some parents still mistakenly associate the development of autism with vaccination, although this connection has long been scientifically disproved. At the same time, a number modern research shows that the prerequisites for the development of autistic disorders spectra are laid down already during the formation of the embryo due to random genetic abnormalities.

However, a myth managed to do his job, and the result of the panic sown among his parents was increase in measles vaccine denials and recurrence of outbreaks the incidence of measles in previously affluent countries.

Myth: Too much is injected into infants in their first year of life vaccines, it overloads the immune system

Actually: & nbsp; It is not. It has been scientifically proven that the simultaneous introduction of several vaccines do not «overload» the child’s immunity. Daily during their in everyday life, children are exposed to several hundred foreign substances, the immune system gives its own response to each of them.

Simple food intake introduces new antigens into the body, and numerous bacteria are already live on the skin, mouth, nose and intestines. The child is exposed exposure to significantly more antigens as a result of the common cold or sore throats than with the vaccine.

Key benefits administration of several vaccines or multi-component vaccines at one time — less number of injections and fewer clinic visits.

According to scientific data, the simultaneous introduction of several vaccine has no adverse effects on the child and does not increase the risk development of undesirable manifestations after vaccination.

Myth: Better to let the child get sick and get immunity after illness than after vaccination.

Actually: & nbsp; Have people have developed a sense of complacency and some believe that vaccination more dangerous than the disease itself. These misconceptions have led to significant declines in immunization coverage, especially among children under 1 year of age.

High hygiene and sanitation will not save children from preventable diseases vaccines. While improving hygiene, sanitation and water safety help protect people from infectious diseases, many infections can spread regardless of the quality of sanitary and epidemiological conditions. & nbsp; Diseases against which it is carried out vaccination will reappear if vaccination programs are discontinued. Necessary continue vaccination even if there are no outbreaks in the country.

Thanks to the immunization program, most people in the republic have never experienced the consequences of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable infections.

Sources of information:
Information materials compiled by the RCI staff and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2018.