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Types of vaccines in the Kyrgyz Republic

👁 15355

Опубликовано: 28 июня 2019
Обновлено: 17 октября 2021

HBV vaccine

HBV vaccine is a hepatitis B vaccine, which is a highly purified non-infectious surface protein (HBsAg) polypeptide of the hepatitis B virus adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. The drug is a genetically engineered vaccine, where the production of HBsAg occurs in yeast cells.

This one of the first vaccines that a newborn child receives within 24 hours after birth.

Why vaccination is carried out : active immunization against viral hepatitis B.

Method of administration and dosage : The vaccine is injected intramuscularly into the anterolateral thigh area of ​​newborns and children under 1 year old at a dose of 0.5 ml. < / p>

Contraindications: yeast allergy

Reaction to the vaccine : Local reactions are usually noted: redness, soreness, swelling, induration, self-limiting within two days after vaccination .

General reactions: malaise, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, myalgia, arthritis.

Rare reactions: increased body temperature (higher 38.8 ° C).

Composition : 0.5ml of vaccine contains
Active ingredient: purified HBsAg -10mcg
Adjuvant : aluminum hydroxide gel -0.25 mg
Preservative: thiomersal — 0.005 mg

Excipients: monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate dibasic, sodium chloride.

Form of issue : & nbsp; 1 dose vial

BCG vaccine

BCG (Bacillus Kelmett-Guerin) — live attenuated bacterial vaccine, freeze-dried (dried) complete with solvent.

Why is it carried out vaccination : prevention of tuberculosis

Method of application and dosage : vaccination dose for newborns — 0.05 ml, injected strictly inside skin in the left shoulder.


Reaction to introduction vaccines : BCG has a specific local reaction. Together the introduction of the vaccine, an abscess develops, which is covered with a crust and heals. After healing and falling off of the crust, a scar remains in size 3-10 mm, indicating the setting of this vaccination.

Rare collateral reactions :

The reaction to the vaccine is delayed, since forms 4-6 weeks after injection.

Composition :
Main component: 70% live weakened microbes — 0.5 mg
Excipient: sodium glutamate
Solvent: isotonic sodium solution

Release form : & nbsp; 20-dose vial & nbsp;

DTP-HBV-CIB (liquid combination pentavaccine)

Pentavaccine — & nbsp; This is a combination multi-component vaccine consisting of 5 antigens. The active part of the vaccine includes purified diphtheria and tetanus toxins, inactivated particles of pertussis, highly purified non-infectious HBsAg particles, components of Haemophilus influenzae type b.

Why is it carried out vaccination: active immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, viral hepatitis B and hemophilus influenza type «b».

Method of application and dosage : the vaccine is intended only for intramuscular administration in anterolateral thigh at a dose of 0.5 ml.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity to any of the components of the vaccine or a serious reaction to the previous dose of the combination vaccine or any of its components.

Reaction to vaccine administration: local reactions: redness, induration, soreness.

General reactions: irritability, tearfulness, slight fever usually occurs within 48 hours after vaccination and in in most cases, they pass within two to three days on their own without medical care.

All local and general reactions disappear without consequences.

Rare collateral reactions :

Composition :
Active ingredients:

Excipient: Aluminum phosphate, sodium chloride, water for injection.

Release form: & nbsp; 1-dose bottle & nbsp;

OPV vaccine

OPV oral polio vaccine, is stabilized preparation from live attenuated poliomyelitis viruses strains Sabine type 1 and 3. & nbsp;

Why is it carried out vaccination : active immunization against polio virus 1 and 3 types.

Method of application and dosage : the vaccine is administered by mouth, in a dose of 2 drops.


In accordance with the recommendations of the Extended Program Immunizations symptomatic and asymptomatic virus infection human immunodeficiency is not a contraindication for OPV immunization.

Vaccine reactions:
Minor general reactions: malaise, weakness, loss of appetite.
Rare reactions:

Composition :
Active ingredients:

Excipients: & nbsp;

Form of issue : vials of 10 and 20 doses

IPV vaccine

IPV vaccine — inactivated polio vaccine, which is a stabilized preparation from inactivated poliomyelitis viruses of Sabin strains type 1, 2 and 3. & nbsp;

Patients suffering from primary and secondary immunodeficiency, it is recommended to use advanced inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (IPV).

Why is it carried out vaccination : active immunization against polio virus 1,2 and 3 types.

Method of application and dosage : the vaccine is intended only for intramuscular administration in anterolateral surface of the left thigh for children under 1 year old, at a dose of 0.5 ml.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity to neomycin, polymyxin, or any other component vaccines.

Vaccine reactions:
Minor general reactions: malaise, weakness, loss of appetite.
Rare reactions: allergic reactions to vaccine components.

Composition :

Release form: vials of 1 dose

PCV vaccine

PCV vaccine — pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugated adsorbed 13-valent vaccine. PCV contains 90% of serotypes that cause the development of invasive pneumococcal infections (IPIs) that are resistant to antibiotics.

Why is it carried out vaccination : immunization against pneumococcal infection.

Method of administration and dosage : the vaccine is intended only for intramuscular injection into the anterolateral surface of the left thigh in children under 1 year old, & nbsp; in the shoulder of children aged 12 months, in a dose of 0.5 ml.


Reaction to introduction vaccines:

Active ingredients:


Form of issue: 1-dose bottle & nbsp;

MMR vaccine

MMR vaccine & nbsp; — vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella, which are live attenuated viruses measles, mumps and rubella.

Why is it carried out vaccination: active immunization against measles, epidparotitis and & nbsp; rubella & nbsp;

Method of application and dosage : the vaccine is intended only for subcutaneous injection into shoulder in a dose of 0.5 ml.


Reaction to introduction vaccines:

Reactions to the rubella component of MMR vaccine:
Arthralgias and arthritis in adolescent girls and adult women, lasting from a few days to 2 weeks. These reactions go away on their own without treatment.

Ingredients : & nbsp;

Active ingredients:


Form of issue: 5,10-dose bottle

DPT vaccine

DPT is an adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, which is a homogeneous liquid that contains purified diphtheria and tetanus toxins, inactivated pertussis particles.

DPT vaccine can be administered safely and effectively simultaneously with vaccines against tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, Epidparotitis and other vaccines of the preventive vaccination calendar.

Why is it carried out vaccination : active immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

Method of application and dosage : the vaccine is intended only for intramuscular administration in the anterolateral surface of the thigh for children under 18 months or in the shoulder for children in over 18 months of age, in a dose of 0.5 ml.


Vaccine reaction:
Common local reactions: redness, induration, soreness.
General reactions: irritability, tearfulness, a slight rise in temperature above 380C usually occurs within 48 hours after vaccination and in most cases disappear on their own within two to three days without medical assistance.

All local and general reactions disappear without consequences.

Rare collateral reactions :

Composition :

Active ingredients:


Release form: & nbsp; 10th dose bottle & nbsp;

ADS vaccine

ADS — adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid is a homogeneous liquid containing purified diphtheria and tetanus toxins.

Why is it carried out vaccination : active immunization against tetanus and diphtheria.

ADS-toxoid is used:

Contraindications :

Method of application and dosage : the vaccine is intended only for intramuscular administration in shoulder, in a dose of 0.5 ml

Reaction to the vaccine:
A common local reaction: redness and soreness at the injection site.
General reaction: malaise, weakness.

All local and general reactions disappear without consequences and not require medical attention.

Rare side reactions: allergic reactions (angioedema, polymorphic rash, urticaria and anaphylactic shock) with a registration rate of 1 per million doses administered.


Active ingredients:


Release form: 10-dose bottle & nbsp;

ADS-M vaccine

ADS-M adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with a low content of antigens. Vaccine is a homogeneous liquid containing purified diphtheria and tetanus toxins. The toxoids are adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. Can be safely and effectively administered concurrently with other vaccines vaccination calendar.

Why is it carried out vaccination: active immunization against tetanus and diphtheria

Contraindications :

Method of administration and dosage : vaccine intended only for intramuscular injection into the shoulder, in a dose of 0.5 ml

Reaction to the vaccine:
A common local reaction: redness and soreness at the injection site.
General reaction: malaise, weakness.

All local and general reactions disappear without consequences and not require medical attention.

Rare side reactions: allergic reactions (angioedema, polymorphic rash, urticaria and anaphylactic shock) with a registration rate of 1 per million doses administered.

One 0.5 ml dose contains

Active ingredients:

Excipients: aluminum hydroxide

Release form: & nbsp; 10-dose vial

Sources of information:

Life-saving vaccines.
Posted by
1. Aitmurzaeva G.T.
2. Zhumagulova G.Zh.
3. Shergalieva A.K.

1. Plotnikova O.D.