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All about vaccinations in Kyrgyzstan

👁 19573

Опубликовано: 28 июня 2019
Обновлено: 17 октября 2021

Vaccination — the introduction of a vaccine in order to stimulate the body’s immune system to protect it from infection or disease.

Vaccines are biological drugs that improve immunity to certain diseases. Vaccines contain killed or live weakened bacteria and viruses, as well as components and excipients that maintain the stability and effectiveness of vaccines.

When a vaccine is introduced into the body, a person’s immune system is rebuilt and specific immunity is developed. Due to this, even with further infection, the disease does not develop at all, or proceeds in a mild form.

Composition of vaccines

Main components — live, weakened or inactivated (killed) forms of microorganisms or their toxins, or their surface proteins.

Excipients are substances that are specially introduced into vaccines to improve the safety, efficacy and stability of vaccines during storage and use.


Vaccines contain excipients that enhance the immune response and prevent contamination of the vaccine. These substances are present in small quantities, therefore, do not poses a danger to the health of the child. For example, preservatives contain in many products that we consume every day: yoghurt, milk in tetra bags, juices, etc.

By the nature of the active substance, vaccines are divided into the following types:

Quality, efficacy and safety of vaccines in Kyrgyzstan

Vaccines used in Kyrgyzstan comply with the requirements and recommendations of the World Health Organization and international GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards, and have also passed WHO prequalification procedures.

State control over the quality, efficacy and safety of vaccines is carried out by the Department of Drug Provision and Medical Equipment of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. The imported vaccines undergo compulsory state certification, verification of the compliance of vaccine series with specific safety requirements and examination of regulatory and technical documentation. After the certification procedure and obtaining a certificate of conformity, a permit for the use of vaccines in health care organizations is issued. Further control over the quality and safety of vaccines in the places of their application is carried out by the state Centers for Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the administrative territories.

The purchase of vaccines in the country is carried out in within the framework of the Memorandum between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and UNICEF through UNICEF procurement arrangements. UNICEF Procurement Division conducts international tenders, where only those pharmaceutical companies can take part whose products meets international GMP standards and has passed the prequalification procedure WHO.

Vaccines used in Kyrgyzstan, are of the same quality as the vaccines used in Europe. Vaccine components safe and free of any toxic or banned substances and widely applied all over the world, including countries of Islamic Sharia (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.). & Nbsp;

For over 20 years, Kyrgyzstan has been purchasing vaccines from the following suppliers:

At all levels supplies of vaccines from the manufacturer to treatment and prevention organizations health care and the vaccinated themselves are closely monitored temperature conditions of storage and transportation using the means temperature registration.

On regional and district warehouses of vaccines are delivered to special refrigerated trucks, containers with conditioned refrigeration elements, ensuring compliance with the cold chain at temperatures from +2 to + 8 0 C.

All vaccine storage sites, including vaccination room, have refrigeration equipment, which are twice a day are checked to maintain optimal temperature conditions.

Accounting data and registration indicating the name, series, expiration date, date receipts / dispatches and temperature readings are entered in the standard log «Tracking the movement of vaccines and supplies.»

Medical workers are allowed to vaccinate, trained in the rules of vaccination techniques. The vaccine is administered in a dose strictly corresponding to the instructions for use of the drug.

To comply with safety standards & nbsp; immunization practices are used exclusively by special & nbsp; self-locking syringes and safe disposal boxes for medical waste. Used vials, needles, syringes after injection are collected in special boxes for safe disposal (CBU), which are then disposed of in accordance with national requirements for the disposal of medical waste. In case of simultaneous carrying out of several vaccinations, each vaccine is injected with a separate syringe and needle into different parts of the body.

Sources of information:
1. Life-saving vaccines.
Aitmurzaeva G.T., Zhumagulova G.Zh.
Shergalieva A.K.
Plotnikova O.D.