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Прививки и религия — эксперт призвал кыргызстанцев отказаться от заблуждений

Другой теолог, представитель ДУМК, подчеркнул, что ислам призывает верующих беречь здоровье. Ислам не запрещает верующим проходить вакцинацию, заявил теолог, член Совета улемов Кадыр Маликов в рамках круглого стола «От прививок отказываются все чаще — чем это опасно для Кыргызстана» в мультимедийном пресс-центре Sputnik.  По его словам, специальная фатва содержит короткое и ясное пояснение относительно прививок. «В […]


Medicine of the future. WHO: «Vaccine refusal is the main threat of 2019».

Sergey Kolenov Experts blame anti-vaccination movement in & nbsp; an increase in the incidence of measles and & nbsp; diphtheria. And & nbsp; is scarier than HIV, air pollution and & nbsp; even climate change. At the & nbsp; beginning of each year The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes a list of top risks to […]


Types of vaccines in the Kyrgyz Republic

HBV vaccine HBV vaccine is a hepatitis B vaccine, which is a highly purified non-infectious surface protein (HBsAg) polypeptide of the hepatitis B virus adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. The drug is a genetically engineered vaccine, where the production of HBsAg occurs in yeast cells. This one of the first vaccines that a newborn child receives […]


Myths about vaccinations in Kyrgyzstan

Myth: Vaccines contain preservatives that are dangerous to health. Actually: & nbsp; A vaccine is a preparation made from microorganisms or their products life activity. When it enters the human body, then through for a certain time, immunity to this particular disease develops. The most A common parental concern is the mercury content of vaccines. […]


Facts and arguments for immunization

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers immunization to be the most effective way to prevent serious vaccine preventable diseases. Immunization is the most necessary activity for the elimination of preventable deaths among newborns and children. & nbsp; She prevents about 2-3 million deaths each year and saves about ten thousands of lives every day, protecting […]


What parents need to know about vaccinating their child

To decide on the need for vaccination, to determine what kind of vaccine a child needs, the process of preparing for vaccination and observation after vaccination, you need to consult a doctor. It is necessary from birth to register with the family medicine center, where a special medical record of your baby will be kept. […]


What vaccinations are recommended for adults

Вакцинации взрослых стоит уделять не меньшее внимание, чем вакцинации детей. Это важно, так как родители в случае заболевания могут заразить незащищенного ребенка. Кроме того, работники определенных профессий и ухаживающие за некоторыми больными людьми рискуют заразиться инфекциями, а путешественники могут встретиться с инфекциями во время пребывания в различных регионах и странах. The national immunization schedule of […]


What vaccinations do children need

Congratulations on the birth of your long-awaited baby! This is a joyful, but at the same time a very important event for parents. The child wants to be protected from all troubles, especially from dangerous infections and diseases. Vaccinations help keep your baby healthy, especially in the first year of life. Some parents mistakenly do […]


All about vaccinations in Kyrgyzstan

Vaccination — the introduction of a vaccine in order to stimulate the body’s immune system to protect it from infection or disease. Vaccines are biological drugs that improve immunity to certain diseases. Vaccines contain killed or live weakened bacteria and viruses, as well as components and excipients that maintain the stability and effectiveness of vaccines.When […]
